Mr.Hamad Al Marri

We are fortunate to live in one of the world’s fastest growing economies, one that is characterized by increasingly diverse markets and infrastructure development. Qatar is a country blessed not only with great natural resources but with visionary leadership . I On behalf of everyone at Consys International, I welcome you to our company and I hope that it meets your expectations and allows you to discover more about our various products and services.
The Group has been in operation since 2005 and One element that we have worked hard in transmitting through this page is our strong commitment to the continuous development of the company, by consistently improving and growing within our respective areas of business.
Our motto is ‘Building on Success’ and this is what we will be striving to achieve for years to come, At the same time, we look forward to the future and all the exciting business opportunities and challenges that it might bring. Of course, this would have never been possible without the constant dedication and collaboration of all our staff members, without which none of our success would have ever been possible.

Mr.Hamad Al Marri